Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Life as a Sitcom.

Things that happened to me today.
1. I sneezed so hard I fell down.
2. I had a meeting with my partners in crime to continue planning for world domination.
3. I listened to someone say "pillow fart"
4. I drove around in a car
5. I laughed so hard I almost passed out
6. I discussed the issues of  an 11-hour shift
7. I saw a bunny
8. I rode in an elevator
9. I found an actual "I love us card" (This is probably the most successful thing I have ever done.)
10. I saw my life (and the lives of a few others) flash before my eyes
11. I broke and repaired my ghetto fabulous phone cover
12. I hid behind a bush
13. I made people in other cars feel extremely awkward and self-consious
14.I DIDN'T go to work.
15. I had a play-date with a five year old
All in all, I would say it was a great day!

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