Saturday, May 11, 2013

 Today I am missing Natalie Q. Harrison* very ridiculously much.  Well actually I miss her everyday but today I have time to blog about it.  I also miss her children. And Russ too, I suppose. (He vetoed my ranch to the garage fridge, so there is a little tension here)  You see, they moved to the far off land of Omaha, Nebraska 4 months ago and became Cornhuskers.  Whatever that is.  And now I have not even seen the happy people since!  They were like my favorite people.  Below you will see some pictures of those lovely guys.

Aren't we just charming. 

 These people were my absolute favorite for lots of reasons.  I babysat Aiden and Bailey for 6 years, which is like basically my whole life almost.  They always made me smile.  Or fall off the couch laughing from their crazy stories.  I haven't eaten one single ramen noodle since they moved.  And I haven't seen a single fridge with more than twelve eggs in it since either.  Which doesn't sound like it would be sad, but it is.

This video was my favorite part of my birthday.  It made me cry, which sounds so dumb.  But it did.  I watch it whenever I have a bad day.  I'm pretty sure that if there was a club for the coolest kids alive, Aiden and Bailey would be the only ones in it.  I hope I can be as cool as them some day.  I also hope I can fold a fitted sheet as good as their mom.
Speaking of whom, (is that a phrase?) Sister Harrison is like my hero.  She is like super mom.  Not only does she take care of the two awesomest kid on the planet, she has the most organized kitchen in the world (because let's be honest, the ladels and the spatulas must be seperated in the drawer. you think I'm kidding but I'm dead serious), and she also manages to eat like 9 egg whites and one whole egg a day.  (Please excuse my run on sentences.  They make no sense whatsoever.  Also, I do not know the exact egg diet, but it is something like that.)  Anyway. I miss her dearly like a lot.

*DISCLAIMER: I do not actually know the middle name of Natalie Harrison, so I made one up.